Course Outline

How to develop confidence in phonics terminology and teaching of a phonics curriculum

This session will focus on developing literacy skills as an entitlement of all learners, including those defined as having PMLD and the most complex needs.

We focus on what we mean by phonics, the role of letter-sound correspondence within reading for typically-developing learners and how this will look for our learners with more complex needs.

The aim is to develop confidence in phonics terminology, teach a phonics curriculum and develop prerequisite skills. We discuss how important an inclusive reading curriculum is to develop early reading skills within the best practice. We will explore a teaching sequence for phonics and progression linked to letter and sound phases.

We provide practical games/activities/links to IT and resources for each stage of the continuum, from those accessing a pre-formal curriculum to semi-formal and a more formal conventional reading curriculum.

NB: Updated to reflect the outcomes and implementation of the Reading Framework published in July 2021.