Course Outline

This two-part course examines why a sensory-based behaviour management strategy reduces the barriers to learning difficult behaviour can cause, introducing helpful sensory techniques to use. Clive then outlines a framework to analyse difficult behaviour, focusing on spitting, non-compliance/refusal, aggression & shouting.

In part one, Clive focuses on three main topics:

what is difficult behaviour

how to create a positive behaviour culture in your classroom

sensory strategies to help reduce the impact of difficult behaviour on a pupil’s learning

In part two, Clive asks what purpose the difficult behaviour serves the learner and outlines a framework to examine this focusing on spitting, non-compliance/refusal, aggression & shouting.

This final session will focus on:

the functional purpose the difficult behaviour serves for the learner

the impact of the learner’s difficult behaviour on others within the classroom

a framework to examine difficult behaviour in more detail